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Engineering Elective

Now it’s time to talk about my engineering elective. I personally like this class a lot. In this class we would lean a little bit about our project and then we would get to build! We got to build so many different things this year.  We made things like a pasta ferris wheel, irrigation system, and a lot more. There were so many different projects this year that were a lot of fun.  

My personal favorite was our future city project. When we built it we had to use recyclable items.  We used cardboard, water bottles, gatorade bottles, juice boxes, tape, hot glue, and even some bottles caps and straws. We had an elementary school,  middle school, and a high school. These were all made out of a sprite bottle. We made streets, houses, townhouses, and apartments. We also had an airport, and a few restaurants. We also had a mall, fire station, jail, and police station.  And our town was able to function by windmills. This was by far my favorite project.  

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